
Missionary Spotlight

We support these missionaries:

Toby & Sami Goodman

Toby & Sami Goodman are church planters in Manhattan, Montana with the North American Missions Board.

Gabe & Misty Martin

Gabe & Misty Martin are church planters in San Diego, California with the North American Missions Board.

Tracy & Shonna Shipp

Tracy & Shonna Shipp are serving in Thailand with The Scarlet Thread Ministries.

Travis & Beth Burkhalter

Travis & Beth Burkhalter and their children are serving in Colombia.

Guatemala Medical Mission Trip: Each June, a team of doctors, nurses, dentists, dental hygienists, translators, and support staff travel to San Raymundo, Guatemala, to operate a medical clinic/hospital. Participants pay their own way, and First Baptist Church helps provide medical supplies and medicines. By caring for their medical and dental needs, many people come to know Christ. For more information, contact Dr. Jerry Stagg or Bro. Bil Barkley.

The Next Trip Is June 13-21, 2025

Guatemala 2025 Application

Free English and Citizenship classes are taught here at the church each Wednesday evening from 6:00 – 7:00 September to May. A Scripture and devotional thought is shared at the beginning of each session, then students go into smaller classes, depending upon their level of proficiency.

The Global Impact Offering of First Baptist Church is received on a regular basis from members and friends of FBC. Members are encouraged to make giving to missions a regular part of their stewardship. Experience shows that when giving to missions becomes a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly gift, the amount given to missions grows exponentially. Encouraged to be given above and beyond one’s tithe, this fund provides money for a variety of mission opportunities. Here is the current breakdown, by percentage, of the missions affected by this fund: Lottie Moon (International) ~ 47% Annie Armstrong (North America) ~ 19% Mary Hill Davis (Texas) ~ 13% Harmony/Pittsburg Baptist Association ~ 7% Mission Trips ~ 7% Benevolence ~ 7%

Annie Armstrong: This annual offering, received each Easter, provides funds for missionaries serving in North America. For more information, go to www.namb.net.

Lottie Moon: This annual offering, received each Christmas, provides funds for missionaries serving around the world. For more information, go to www.imb.org.

Mary Hill Davis: This annual offering, received each September, provides funds for mission work in the state of Texas. For more information, go to www.texasbaptist.org.

Food4Kids:  On Tuesdays at 5:15 pm each week during the school year we participate in filling backpacks with food for school age children in need.

Produce Drop:  At 9:00 am on the last Friday of each month TCC sets up in our parking lot and distributes free produce to anyone that would like to participate.

Titus County Cares, 301 N Edwards, Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455 903-575-9157 www.tituscountycares.org